When it comes to addiction recovery, inclusivity is very important. Addiction does not discriminate when it comes to race, gender, background, religion, or ethnicity, and everyone can find themselves struggling with it at some point during their lives. Thus, everyone deserves the same access to care and the same chance to successfully conquer their addiction and enjoy long-lasting recovery. 

Unfortunately, some minorities don’t receive the same quality of care that they should. It will take time for real change to be implemented throughout the addiction recovery industry. However, there are steps each facility can take to get closer to the overall goal of increased inclusivity within treatment.

The Importance of Inclusivity in Addiction Recovery

Each individual battling addiction has a different story and may be dealing with a very specific situation. Perhaps they are an expecting mother or someone within the LGBTQ+ community that is struggling with their identity. Due to fear of judgment or ridicule, they may avoid seeking traditional treatment. This can not only cause their addiction to worsen, but it could also lead to life-threatening complications.

Taking the early steps towards treatment can already be stressful and emotionally taxing. It should not be made even worse by having to worry about discrimination. Additionally, if an individual does not feel comfortable within their treatment program, they are more likely to abandon treatment altogether. For some people, increased inclusivity within addiction recovery could truly be the difference between life and death.

How to Ensure Your Facility Is Inclusive

Even if you think your treatment facility is already pretty inclusive, you can always make improvements. Consider taking the following steps to ensure that you’re providing the most inclusive care possible.

#1. Provide Training for Staff: Education can lead to greater understanding and acceptance. When you come across someone who has a different background than you, it is easy to say the wrong thing and offend them, even if it is completely unintentional. Taking the time to learn about different cultures, sexual orientations, religions etc., can help staff members not only better understand how to help their patients, but also how to interact with them in a respectful way. Training doesn’t have to be costly, nor does it have to take a lot of time to make a difference. There is a multitude of information online that can be compiled into a presentation.

#2. Provide Support Group Programs Tailored to People Going Through Similar Situations: While most support groups are open to anyone, some people may benefit from attending one that is more tailored to who they are and what they are going through in life. 

For example, a 21-year-old struggling with addiction may not be as comfortable discussing their situation with someone in their 50s as they would with someone closer to their own age. Similarly, an atheist may not be able to relate as well to an individual with strong religious beliefs. When people have the support of people that they understand and can relate to, treatment may be more productive for them. Some ideas for specific support groups within treatment include:

  • Faith-based and non-faith-based programs 
  • Programs for veterans 
  • LGBTQ+ programs
  • Age-based programs 
  • Programs for mothers 
  • Programs for those with disabilities 
  • Programs for minorities

#3. Make it Clear to the Public that Your Facility Is Accepting of Everyone: Many treatment facilities make the mistake of failing to include minorities when they market their business, whether this be through commercials, pictures on their website, or literature they provide. This may cause an individual to feel as if they wouldn’t be as welcome at the facility if they don’t look a certain way or come from a specific background. Therefore, it is important to make it very evident that no matter what color of skin they have, how they identify themselves, or where they come from, your team is ready and willing to welcome them with open arms.

#4. Create an Accepting Environment: While it may sound like a given, creating an environment of complete acceptance is crucial in addiction recovery. If an individual feels as if they are different than everyone else, undeserving of the help that they need, or are in any way the subject of judgment, they might choose to discontinue treatment. 

Inclusivity at Dream Recovery

At Dream Recovery, we accept all patients regardless of race, background, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. No matter who you are or where you are from, you will receive the same high-quality care as the rest of the patients at our facility.

Inclusivity is highly important in the addiction recovery industry. Addiction can affect anybody, regardless of religion, ethnicity, background, or sexual orientation. Thus, everyone deserves access to the same quality of treatment and resources as well as the same chance to achieve long-lasting sobriety. Each and every treatment facility can do its part to increase inclusivity. Some ways of doing this are by providing training for staff to give them a better understanding of different cultures, providing support group programs tailored to people going through similar situations, marketing towards minorities, and creating an accepting environment for all. At Dream Recovery, we strive to help everyone take back their lives from drug and alcohol addiction, regardless of their background or what they look like. If you are struggling with a substance use disorder, our team is here to help. Call (949) 732-1960 today to learn more about the types of services we provide. 

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