Intensive Outpatient Program
Our intensive outpatient program (IOP) is a primary treatment program that is intensive by nature but geared towards the individual that is stepping down from higher levels of acute care. IOP is for those individuals that do not need medically supervised detox. Intensive outpatient care can also help those in recovery to continue their therapy that follows detox, in a partial time development process, especially geared towards those who are well enough to work and take care of family issues but still need accountability in their life.
Don’t Wait for the Worst. Let’s Get Better Today.
In Our Intense Outpatient Program
Intensive outpatient program is typically three to five days a week and up to three hours a day. Our OP is designed for a client that has developed a recovery program, and has established a relapse prevention plan, built a support system and is ready for a program that has less structured days as PHP. Clients in an intensive outpatient program at Dream Recovery will have a clinical team that consists of a Therapist and Case Manager, and weekly sessions and participate in group sessions.
Most Insurance Accepted*
We work with most major insurance providers and provide affordable services.
*We currently do not accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Medi-Cal.
*We currently do not accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Medi-Cal.