Working through the recovery process requires you to adjust to various aspects of your life. By finding new activities to engage in for fun and entertainment while maintaining sobriety, you can set yourself up to have fun and benefit in many other ways.

Social Support

One common obstacle to overcome during recovery is developing hobbies and interests that do not involve drinking or substance use. When cravings begin to set in, a natural response can be to engage in activities that promote the use of the substance. By engaging with others who use substances and have similar interests, you have easy access to continuing to use substances.

Many individuals find that when their main social circle engages in using substances, it can potentially influence their desire to continue to use. Trying to remain in a social circle that uses while working towards sobriety can negatively affect your success. Although you may stay on good terms with your previous friends, their lifestyles may not encourage you to maintain long-term sobriety. Finding a new social circle and group of supportive friends may be a beneficial adjustment for you while working through recovery.

Working to find an alternative group of friends that have a positive impact on your recovery may be overwhelming at first but can help lead you to long-term success. Having a support group provides various benefits to your recovery and can help you engage with like-minded individuals while moving forward.

Avoiding Self-Isolation

By developing new interests and hobbies, your options of activities to participate in during your free time begin to open. Having these different sober opportunities available can help you get your mind off substance use and find enjoyment without it. Many of these potential hobbies may include various forms of physical activity or other healthy activities, reinforcing the adaptation of new habits.

As you continue engaging in different sober activities, you limit your opportunity for self-isolation. It can be incredibly easy to self-isolate when in recovery, on retaining as many of your prior activities involved substance use. Finding alternative healthy activities can encourage you to get out and enjoy your surroundings. Avoiding self-isolation is extremely beneficial for your anxiety, depression, and continued recovery.

Have Fun Without Substances

One of the hardest obstacles to overcome when working to engage in sober activities is to find something that is enjoyable. After developing an addiction, it can be hard to see the enjoyable aspects of life around you without the presence of the substance. Working to develop a positive view of the world around you and finding enjoyment without intoxication can help reinforce the pleasure you can find in sober activities.

Having fun and enjoying sober activities is very important throughout recovery. Not only can these activities help keep your mind off of using substances, but also can provide opportunities for physical and social activities. Recovery can be a stressful process. Allowing yourself to have fun and enjoy different activities can help to make this process fun and rewarding. 

Avoid Cravings

When engaging in different activities or channeling your focus into learning something new, your focus is taken away from the desire for substances. Working to learn a new skill can be a particularly effective way of avoiding cravings. As your brain focuses on retaining new information and you practice the new skill you have learned, your focus on substances is pushed away. Even this momentary distraction can help eliminate the compulsive aspects of your addiction.

While using substances, there are often many negative health effects that occur and affect your ability to perform various physical activities. Slowly increasing your activity level can help improve your body’s overall functioning and your health. As your activity levels increase, the effects of withdrawal will decrease.

Activities to Consider

Although engaging in sober activities may seem like a great idea, choosing which activities to engage in and finding hobbies that interest you can be a challenge. While the process may seem frustrating, it can also be a fun way to learn more about yourself. The following list of sober activities may include some that appeal to you:

  • Go on a hike
  • Play sports
  • Take up painting
  • Do arts and crafts
  • Learn to play an instrument
  • Try a new recipe
  • Enjoy a nature walk
  • Read a book outside
  • Go bowling
  • Go ice skating or rollerblading

There are numerous sober activities to try. Some may be more physical and athletic, while others may require creativity and knowledge. Including both kinds of activities can help you to maintain balance and learn new enjoyable skills while working through recovery.

Finding activities to engage in without the presence of substances is often more challenging than people anticipate. Moving away from social settings where substances were commonly present and used and finding new social engagement may require many changes. Oftentimes in recovery, people find that they need to alter their social circle and engage with individuals who are more supportive of their sober lifestyle. There are many benefits for physical health when engaging in sober activities. Review some ideas of physical and creative activities to find new hobbies that interest you. One of the greatest benefits of sober activities is an opportunity for fun without substances present and a distraction from stress you may be experiencing. To learn more about the benefits of engaging in sober activities and for ideas about activities to try, reach out to Dream Recovery at (949) 732-1960.

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