When going through recovery, many clients find that they feel they are stuck within society. Many, if not most adults want to hold down a job, manage their finances, and create a life for themselves. People can gain confidence, purpose, and structure in their lives through work.

Unfortunately, holding down a job and sorting out many aspects of life outside of treatment can be overwhelming as you are working toward recovery. Job opportunity workstations are a great resource to help you overcome this obstacle.

What Do Workstations Provide?

Job opportunity workstations are provided within our facility to help clients get a head-start with the external responsibilities that will be necessary to handle after completion of the treatment program. We have many resources available at these workstations to help you prepare for the adjustment ahead.

Résumé Building

Many clients find that they do not have much experience to put on their résumé and write a strong application. Some do not even know where to begin with writing a résumé. With our knowledgeable facilitators, we can help you put together a professional résumé that outlines your greatest strengths.

If you do not have any previous job experience, it can be hard to build a strong résumé. We can get you involved with different volunteer opportunities or work-related experiences to help you expand your skills, gain practice and confidence, and have something to put on a résumé. If you are lacking experience, it is important to focus on highlighting your strengths as an individual. Try to show how your experience through life can help you succeed in your targeted field of work.

Job Searching

Another focus within our job opportunity workstations is searching for jobs. While many of our clients wish to obtain a job of some form, it can be challenging to find a good opportunity available within your area that aligns with your schedule. With our team’s assistance, you may be able to find some potential opportunities that you enjoy and that can be a springboard for further opportunities.

We also can help you with filling out applications and preparing for interviews, setting you up for success from the very beginning. Once you obtain a job, we can help assist you in developing a strong work ethic and communication skills to help you thrive within your workplace. Developing your skills as a professional is just as important as gaining the skills to obtain a job in the first place.

If you have a previous job you wish to go back to, our team can help you to build reparations with your employer and regain trust. This can be a great new start to the job. We will teach you the skills and techniques necessary to outline your strengths and show your employer the growth you have made.

Transportation Assistance

One common struggle for individuals in addiction recovery who are attempting to begin work is the lack of transportation available to them. They may be required to attend an interview in person or obtain a driver’s license to get to work each day. Many of our clients find that they have a suspended license and are unable to arrange transportation to and from work every day.

With our focus on providing you with opportunities, we are here to assist you in this time and help you to obtain a license when you can. If needed, we can transport you to social services to get additional governmental support while you are working to settle within your employment.

Benefits of Workstations

By providing access to our job opportunity workstations, we can help you set yourself up for long-term success. It is a big accomplishment to get through treatment while under a facilitator’s supervision; however, keeping yourself accountable after treatment is a new phase of challenges. By utilizing our resources, you can set yourself up for an easy transition when moving out of treatment.

When clients are transitioning out of treatment, having this background support is incredibly useful. Knowing that you have the Dream Recovery team to fall back on and gain assistance with future dilemmas, you can work toward goals that you never believed were within your reach. Having access to these necessary resources is something we take pride in at our facility, as we want to watch you succeed in your future.

Obtaining some form of employment is often a requirement for many sober living homes and recovery programs. We want to help you get to a point within your recovery process where you have a stable job and the skills needed to be successful within your employment. These skills can be implemented throughout the rest of your life to help you obtain and maintain future employment.

Job opportunity workstations are a useful resource we have available for you during treatment. Along with overcoming your addiction and focusing on the aspects of recovery, it is also important to keep your future in mind. Using the resources that these workstations provide you can help you set yourself up for a successful transition out of treatment. It can also ease the stress of adapting various adulting skills to your life after treatment. Learning these skills and developing an understanding of how to apply them while you have the support of your treatment team is extremely beneficial. We are here to assist you in setting up a life outside of recovery and providing you with the necessary resources to find employment and be successful. To learn more about job opportunity workstations and how they can benefit your recovery success, reach out to Dream Recovery today at (949) 732-1960.

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