Balancing Your Rebellious Nature in Recovery

Balancing Your Rebellious Nature in Recovery

As an individual, you may have been called rebellious. You might find yourself seeking and being drawn toward rebellion in general. However, in recovery, your rebellious nature can put you off track.Fortunately, you can learn to find a healthy...

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How Can I Move Through the 5 Stages of Change?

How Can I Move Through the 5 Stages of Change?

The five stages of change model describes the journey that individuals take when trying to modify an unwanted behavior or habit. It consists of five distinct stages, each with its own set of challenges and motivations.As you review the five stages...

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Vocalizing Your Sobriety

Vocalizing Your Sobriety

It can be difficult to share your sobriety, especially during the beginning of your recovery journey. At Dream Recovery, we encourage you to own your sobriety and be proud of the work you have put forth to get to where you are now.Individual and...

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How Can I Support My Partner Through Recovery?

How Can I Support My Partner Through Recovery?

As you watch your loved one go through the hardships of addiction, you will likely experience many strong emotions. While you want to support your partner, watching their journey can be stressful.It can be difficult to determine how to support your...

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Overview of Behavior Modification

Overview of Behavior Modification

Behavior modification can often help individuals overcome their behavioral patterns' negative effects. By using this practice, you can break the cycle of addiction. You can progress in your journey by training yourself to function at your...

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