Building Your Sober Support Network

Building Your Sober Support Network

The journey of recovery can be incredibly difficult but is worth the future rewards. One important and rewarding aspect of recovery is building a sober support network.Your support network can help you stay sober by encouraging you and helping you navigate the...
What Is a Growth Mindset Versus a Fixed Mindset?

What Is a Growth Mindset Versus a Fixed Mindset?

Your mindset can substantially impact your ability to overcome your addictive tendencies. A fixed mindset can hinder your recovery. Fortunately, it is possible to develop a growth mindset with some practice!Remember: your brain is always changing. Regardless of your...
Navigating Job Interviews in Recovery

Navigating Job Interviews in Recovery

Navigating job interviews can be a nerve-wracking experience for anyone. Those in addiction recovery face additional obstacles.Navigating Interviews in RecoveryWhile you are balancing work and recovery, it can be difficult to explain your situation in job interviews....
Balancing Your Rebellious Nature in Recovery

Balancing Your Rebellious Nature in Recovery

As an individual, you may have been called rebellious. You might find yourself seeking and being drawn toward rebellion in general. However, in recovery, your rebellious nature can put you off track.Fortunately, you can learn to find a healthy balance. By balancing...
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