Overcoming the Fear of Treatment

Overcoming the Fear of Treatment

When you recognize the negative impact addiction has on your life, you may still be too afraid to seek treatment. However, overcoming this fear is vital so that you can get the help you need to stop substance abuse from causing even more harm in your life....
How Can I Set Healthy Boundaries With Social Media?

How Can I Set Healthy Boundaries With Social Media?

Social media has slowly started to take over everyday lives. The effects social media has on mental health and overall well-being can drastically affect the process of addiction recovery. Setting healthy boundaries and self-regulating use of social media can allow you...
How Can I Find the Right Sponsor for Me?

How Can I Find the Right Sponsor for Me?

What Is a Sponsor? A sponsor, typically associated with Narcotics Anonymous (NA) or Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), is a sober individual who has personally worked through the process of addiction recovery first-hand. This individual can share their insight and experiences...
Incorporating Moderation Into Recovery

Incorporating Moderation Into Recovery

Moderation is an extremely important aspect to focus on through your addiction recovery process. Developing skills to moderate each aspect of your life can help you create balance and avoid dependence.  Skills to Implement Moderation Understanding the importance...
10 Benefits of Journaling in Recovery

10 Benefits of Journaling in Recovery

Journaling has many benefits for your mental health. Incorporating this practice into your daily life can help you in many ways, and it can be a skill you carry with you for the rest of your life.  If the following 10 actions are benefits you would like to see in your...
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