10 Steps to Success

10 Steps to Success

A large aspect of success is allowing yourself to succeed. The following steps can help you regain focus on accomplishing your goals and setting yourself up for success throughout recovery. 1. Focus on Yourself The main focal point of your recovery should be yourself....
Am I Caught in the Cycle of Abuse?

Am I Caught in the Cycle of Abuse?

What Is the Cycle of Abuse? The cycle of abuse consists of three main phases: tension-building, violence, and the honeymoon phase. All play a significant role in the abusive cycle. 1. Tension Building This stage is when abuse and violence begin to display themselves...
Establishing a Mindfulness Practice

Establishing a Mindfulness Practice

The practice of mindfulness has a variety of benefits for your mental health, physical health, and recovery process. You may have heard of mindfulness and have a generalized idea of the practices but don’t know enough about it to fully implement the practice...
Is an Emotional Support Animal Right for Me?

Is an Emotional Support Animal Right for Me?

Emotional support animals (ESAs) can have many benefits on your overall mental health and well-being. While emotional support animals are ideal for some individuals, they require a level of commitment and work. Before getting an emotional support animal, there are...
How Organization Can Benefit Your Therapy Practice

How Organization Can Benefit Your Therapy Practice

Organization is a skill many people struggle to maintain. However, when working in the field of addiction recovery, organization is essential. Though a therapist or treatment professional may be working with a variety of clients, their clients may have many...
How to Incorporate Self-Care Into Recovery

How to Incorporate Self-Care Into Recovery

Self-care is an extremely important aspect to focus on during the recovery process. Learning to incorporate self-care habits into your recovery can help you establish a sense of balance and develop a structure for life after treatment. Exercise Daily Ensuring you...
Providing Therapy During the Pandemic

Providing Therapy During the Pandemic

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have taken a toll on most people’s careers and the mental health of many individuals. As a mental health provider or therapist, you may have experienced heightened emotions in your clients since the onset of the pandemic. Not...
How Can I Maintain Motivation Throughout Treatment?

How Can I Maintain Motivation Throughout Treatment?

Maintaining a healthy level of motivation through the treatment process can be challenging, as treatment is typically not a short process. It can be difficult to stay motivated as progress may be subtle and hard to recognize. Keeping in mind that recovery is a process...
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