Does Alcohol Increase the Risk of Cancer?

Does Alcohol Increase the Risk of Cancer?

As we know, alcohol can have a variety of negative consequences involved with overconsumption. One of the potential consequences is an increased risk of developing cancer. While cancer can arise from a variety of factors, there seems to be a strong...

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Benefits of Vitamin D

Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that we can obtain from different foods or nutritional supplements and exposure to UV rays. This vitamin provides various benefits to our body and helps us stay healthy and function efficiently. Vitamin D works...

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Problems With Immediate Gratification

Problems With Immediate Gratification

Addictions often involve actions that are taken for immediate gratification. You may have heard of this term, but what is it exactly, and how can it be overcome? What Is Immediate Gratification? Immediate gratification describes the desire to take...

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Normalizing Mental Health Awareness

Normalizing Mental Health Awareness

Mental health is often viewed as a sensitive topic that should not be regularly discussed. While the effects some individuals experience due to mental health issues is sensitive, shying away from the discussion of these effects can cause people to...

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Are Food Addictions Possible?

Are Food Addictions Possible?

When hearing the term addiction, most individuals think of substance abuse like drugs or alcohol. However, addictions can apply to more than these substances. It is possible to become addicted to certain actions, the people you surround yourself...

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Benefits of Reading Through Recovery

Benefits of Reading Through Recovery

Reading has been proven to have a variety of benefits for our mental health and the development of our thought processes. Through addiction recovery, we are working to strengthen our decision-making process and feel comfortable in the choices we...

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Overview of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Overview of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

There are many therapeutic options for people in the addiction recovery treatment. You may have heard of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), but how much do you know about it? What Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy? CBT works to establish a clear...

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What Are the Long-Term Effects of Nicotine?

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Nicotine?

If you are regularly using nicotine, it may not seem to not have consequences on your everyday life, but it is taking a toll on your body's ability to function properly. The consistent use of nicotine can lead to a greatly increased risk of many...

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