Behaviors That Lead to Relapse: What to Watch Out For

Behaviors That Lead to Relapse: What to Watch Out For

It is not always easy to tell when a relapse may be approaching. Often, however, certain behaviors occur, leading up to a relapse. If you understand these behaviors and become able to recognize them, you can get help when you need it. Being aware of these signs is...
What Are My Relapse Triggers?

What Are My Relapse Triggers?

The recovery process is not a straight line but a journey of ups and downs. Sometimes, everything will be going great, then begin to fall apart again. It can be challenging to pinpoint what event or situation led to this downfall. Understanding what your relapse...
How Can I Set Healthy Boundaries With Social Media?

How Can I Set Healthy Boundaries With Social Media?

Social media has slowly started to take over everyday lives. The effects social media has on mental health and overall well-being can drastically affect the process of addiction recovery. Setting healthy boundaries and self-regulating use of social media can allow you...
How to Learn From and Move Past a Relapse

How to Learn From and Move Past a Relapse

Working through the process of addiction recovery involves encountering a wide range of emotions and obstacles to overcome. When people relapse, many of them have thoughts that tell them they have failed at their recovery process, and they feel a strong urge to give...
Am I Caught in the Cycle of Abuse?

Am I Caught in the Cycle of Abuse?

What Is the Cycle of Abuse? The cycle of abuse consists of three main phases: tension-building, violence, and the honeymoon phase. All play a significant role in the abusive cycle. 1. Tension Building This stage is when abuse and violence begin to display themselves...
Noticing the Signs of Emotional and Mental Relapse

Noticing the Signs of Emotional and Mental Relapse

Emotional and mental relapse can take an extreme toll on the progress of your recovery. It can be hard to recognize when you are experiencing a mental relapse; however, there are many signs to keep an eye out for. If you notice yourself engaging in these behaviors, it...
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