Emotional support animals (ESAs) can have many benefits on your overall mental health and well-being. While emotional support animals are ideal for some individuals, they require a level of commitment and work. Before getting an emotional support animal, there are many aspects to keep in mind to ensure it is the right choice for you.

Regulations on Emotional Support Animals

The American Disabilities Act has some requirements that need to be met in order to receive an official emotional support animal. 

  • The animal must be specifically trained to help the individual with their disability. For example, if you have an ESA to help with severe anxiety, the animal may be trained to notice when you have an anxiety attack and comfort you during that time. They are also trained to detect the onset of an anxiety attack and help reduce the overall panic in their owner. 
  • You are not required to have the animal professionally trained, meaning you can train them as a service animal independently. However, if you are considering an emotional support animal for mental health-related disabilities, training a dog to this level of precision can be overwhelming. It is important to consider which direction you plan to take in training and be prepared for the cost of a professional service and the time commitment.

One aspect of obtaining an emotional support animal to consider is the level of care you are willing to provide for the animal. Animals need consistent grooming, feeding, exercise, and care. If providing care for the animal in return for the service they are giving you is too much to handle, you should probably consider how to change your life before adopting the responsibility of an emotional support animal.

Benefits of Emotional Support Animals

Having an ESA for your mental health can have many benefits alongside the responsibilities. Reviewing these benefits can help you determine if an emotional support animal is the right choice for you.

Increased Responsibility

While working through your mental health struggles, an increase in responsibility can be overwhelming. However, being responsible for an animal’s well-being can help you feel comfortable caring for yourself and others. This can help you establish healthy habits for yourself and accomplish other responsibilities.


Your ESA will rely on you to care for them and provide the love and attention they deserve. They need your companionship just as much as you need them. It can be validating to feel wanted by another being and can give you a sense of purpose. Seeing the positive effects you have on your animal can validate your ability to make others happy and be a positive influence in the world.

Increased Physical Activity

Dogs are the most common form of ESAs. Most animals you can choose from will require exercise to stay healthy and alert to your needs. They will need to be taken outside to go to the bathroom, go on walks, and maintain their health. This will require you to get outdoors and walk around, even when you do not feel like it. Having any level of physical activity, especially outdoors, can help your overall mental health.

Social Interaction

Many people who have ESAs notice that more people stop and talk to them and compliment their animal in public. This can allow you to have a form of social interaction without any commitment. You can talk about your animal and move on if desired. Increasing the level of minor social interactions you encounter can build up your self-confidence and restrict you from feeling isolated.


An emotional support animal can provide you with a form of protection. If you are nervous about going into public, being alone, or encountering a general fear of the unknown, ESAs can relieve some of that stress. With their trained service, they can help eliminate stress, ensure you are in a safe environment, and alert you of potential danger. 

Ultimately, there are many positive effects that an emotional support animal can have on your mental health and well-being. It is essential to weigh all the benefits as well as the drawbacks, like responsibilities, time, and resources. Having a pet of any form requires some level of financial means and time commitment. Ensuring you can devote the money and time to ensure the animal is given a good home is essential. Keeping all of these aspects in the forefront of your mind can help you determine if an ESA is the right choice for you.

Emotional support animals (ESAs) provide many benefits to physical health and overall improvement with mental health disorders. There are also many responsibilities to be aware of to ensure this is the right decision for you. Emotional support animals can provide an increased level of responsibility, self-validation, increased physical activity, social interactions, and protection. Keeping in mind the aspects of responsibility an animal requires and possible expenses is vital before deciding to commit to an ESA. The American Disabilities Act has many ESA regulations that must be met and adhered to. The initial stress of training an emotional support animal independently to your desired abilities can be overwhelming if you do not have a solid plan and resources in place first. Look into the training options available before making your decision. To learn more about emotional support animals and for help determining if it is a good fit for you, reach out to Dream Recovery today at (949) 732-1960.

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