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Creating a Balance Between Work and Recovery

Creating a Balance Between Work and Recovery

Creating a balance between work and recovery can allow you to succeed in both areas. This success can bring you closer to your goals and improve your well-being. However, achieving this may not be easy at first.

As you go through your recovery journey, there are many aspects of your life to balance. You may find that balancing your workload and responsibilities with your recovery is especially difficult. Fortunately, balancing work and recovery is a skill. Like all skills, it can get easier with practice.

Work Stress and Recovery Stress

Through your work experiences and recovery journey, you may experience high levels of stress and conflict. To help manage stress from both, it is essential to utilize your coping mechanisms. This way, you can alleviate your stress as much as possible.

Allowing your stress to build up in these areas can cause you to regress in your recovery progress. It can also diminish your work ethic. More importantly, it can harm your general well-being.

Unfortunately, certain levels of stress are not sustainable. Many people try to take on more responsibilities than they can manage in a healthy way. Ensuring that you do not take on a workload that is more than you can manage can help you avoid unnecessary stress at work. If you find you have taken on too much, you may need to step back and let go of some of your commitments. Additionally, limiting commitments in other areas of life can help you bring your stress to a manageable amount.

Take Advantage of Workstations

At Dream Recovery, you have access to job opportunity workstations. This can assist you in finding a job placement if needed. If you have a job and need assistance in managing your job, these stations have many resources for you to utilize. With internet access, you can improve your knowledge of lacking areas required for your job. You can also potentially get some work done, depending on your situation.

You may find that you are experiencing high levels of stress due to a lack of access to transportation to get to work. Our job opportunity workstations can provide you with temporary transportation assistance until you figure out your method of transportation. These stations can also be used to build and create a resume to search for a job or expand your career.

Maintain Relationships With Your Employer

Before beginning recovery, you may have had a downfall in your work life. Many employers may notice signs of a diminishing work ethic when substances are being used.

As you work through your recovery process, you may need to make reparations with your employer. This may be necessary for you to recreate a healthy working relationship with them. If you are beginning a new job, it may be useful to inform them of your situation. You can also tell them your goals to improve both in recovery and at your job.

This can be an intimidating conversation to have. After all, some employers may react negatively to the idea of you being in recovery. Being honest and open about your situation and your goals to move forward can mean a lot to an employer, though. If you find that you have a conflict between your work and recovery requirements, your employer will likely be more understanding and lenient if you have been upfront with them about your needs from the beginning. Keeping a healthy relationship with your employer can greatly decrease your work stress.

Maintain a Schedule

Ensure that you are on top of your work schedule and recovery schedule. At the beginning of each week, outline your commitments for each, ensuring that none of them overlap. Plan time for self-care and other responsibilities around these commitments to ensure you make time for them. If you notice a conflict in your schedule, reach out to your employer or treatment team right away to alleviate the issue.

Maintaining a schedule is a great way to keep your priorities and commitments in line. A schedule can help you avoid forgetting about a shift you are scheduled to work or a recovery meeting you need to attend. These responsibilities can be a lot to manage, but creating a schedule can provide you with a clear outline. If you are struggling to make an effective schedule and remember your commitments, reach out to your treatment team. They can help.

Keep a Positive Attitude

Despite your level of passion for your work, all jobs come with a level of stress. No matter how much you enjoy your job, you will likely come to a point where you desire to quit. However, this does not mean you should.

Keeping a positive attitude through the hardships of your job and recovery can help you stay balanced. Many of these negative feelings toward your job or recovery are temporary. Working through these obstacles can strengthen your ability to keep moving forward and stay on track to success.

It may sound cliché to simply say to keep a positive attitude. However, doing so is one of the best ways to overcome the hardships of work and recovery. Through your recovery journey, you will experience conflict. You will experience conflict with any job as well.

Using your coping mechanisms, grounding techniques, and other resources to help yourself maintain a positive attitude can help you balance the stress factors of each of these. Remember to contact your employer or treatment team with any concerns and stay positive. You can handle and manage your stress.

Creating a balance between your work life and recovery can be challenging. Each of these responsibilities may come with stress and conflict. Creating a balance between the two and managing the stress factors involved with each of these can help your recovery journey run more smoothly. Take advantage of our job opportunity workstations to assist you in creating this balance. Utilize a schedule to ensure you are on top of the commitments you have made, keep a healthy relationship with your employer, and keep a positive attitude through the hardships you encounter. To learn more about creating a balance between work and recovery, reach out to Dream Recovery today at (657) 216-7218.

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