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What Are the Benefits of an Intimate Treatment Program?

What Are the Benefits of an Intimate Treatment Program?

There are thousands of addiction treatment facilities across the United States. However, no one treatment center is the same. Some can treat hundreds of patients at a time across numerous facilities, while others may treat up to five or six people. While the size of a facility may matter in an individual’s search for treatment, it is just as important to look for an intimate treatment program. An intimate treatment atmosphere most often occurs in smaller facilities or facilities with a proportionate staff-to-client ratio. Looking for an intimate atmosphere when deciding on an addiction treatment center can have several benefits for an individual’s recovery.

Addiction Is a Unique Experience

Every person has their unique story of what led them to drugs or alcohol, what happened while they were actively using, and what brought them to treatment. Just like two siblings may have different perspectives about their shared childhoods, individuals can have completely different views about their experiences with addiction. Identifying these unique experiences helps cultivate a treatment approach that better helps to provide for each person’s specific needs. Recovery looks different for everybody; there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treatment. 

Individualized Treatment Plans in an Intimate Setting

Individualized treatment plans are created as a way to ensure every client in a treatment facility have their personal needs met. The most significant aspect of an intimate treatment atmosphere is the ability to create individualized treatment plans. No one type of treatment modality meets all the needs of every individual. Therefore, it’s essential to develop a treatment plan that addresses the varying needs of a person.

For example, many people develop an addiction when using substances to handle their unresolved trauma. In treatment, it is crucial for these people to identify and confront this trauma to increase their chance of long-term sobriety. For someone working on trauma in treatment, an individualized treatment plan may include various therapies to address trauma. 

Why Choose an Intimate Treatment Program?

An intimate treatment program that provides individualized treatment for their clients helps individuals stay motivated and committed to their goals throughout treatment. With an individualized approach to treatment in an intimate setting, individuals in need are provided with the resources that are most relevant to their lives and addiction. 

The Benefits of Individualized Treatment With an Intimate Atmosphere

Individualized treatment plans give clients a better chance of succeeding in treatment; however, there are other benefits of individualized treatment in an intimate treatment environment. Some benefits of choosing an intimate treatment program with individualized treatment plans include: 

Intimate Treatment Allows for Various Therapeutic Options

Another significant benefit of an intimate treatment environment is the opportunity to experience various therapeutic options. When individualized treatment is at the core of treatment, there must be different options to help people with different experiences heal. Some therapeutic options you may experience in an intimate treatment program include: 

#1. Individualized Therapy

Individualized therapy sessions involve one-on-one sessions between the individual in treatment and an experienced addiction specialist or therapist. In one-on-one therapy, individuals can work to address their personal experiences, which may have contributed to the development of addiction. Once these experiences are identified, they can work to change negative thought patterns, which can contribute to potential relapse once treatment concludes. With individualized therapy, individuals can develop the needed skills to obtain long-lasting recovery.

#2. Group Therapy

Group therapy sessions involve peers who are also working to overcome addiction. These sessions are guided and monitored by a therapist to ensure appropriate topics are talked about that help with goal setting and achievement. Sessions may include sharing individual experiences of addiction, interacting with others in treatment, and working toward developing healthy social skills.

#3. Holistic Therapies

Holistic therapies involve several therapeutic tools meant to help individuals heal from addiction. Holistic therapies aim to heal the mind, body, and spirit of the individual in treatment. The types of holistic therapies offered will differ based on treatment facility; however, common holistic therapies include yoga, meditation, acupuncture, sound bath therapy, and more.

There are thousands of addiction treatment centers across the nation that provide various ways of treating addiction. When searching for a facility for you or a loved one, it can be challenging to know what to look for. An intimate treatment setting is essential to treatment and can benefit you in numerous ways as you overcome addiction. With an intimate atmosphere, you receive individualized treatment. Addiction looks different for everybody, and recovery should, too. That’s why, at Dream Recovery, we are committed to providing an intimate treatment atmosphere that allows us to provide individualized treatment to our clients. Dream Recovery was created upon the foundations of love and purpose. We want to help you learn how to live life without a crutch and give you the resources to work through past trauma and current barriers that stop you from achieving lasting recovery. For more information on our program, call us today at (949) 732-1960.

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