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Stepping Into Adulthood

Stepping Into Adulthood

Being within the age range of 18 to 22, you are considered a young adult. This phase in life is full of various transitions and adjustments. This is the time to figure out who you are and who you want to be in life. While many of us are excited to become adults, this transition can often feel like diving into the ocean, full of the unknown.

There are many different factors to consider when becoming independent. This stage in life can be difficult for everyone to manage. Working to adjust to this life stage while going through addiction recovery can be extremely challenging. Addiction is hard enough on its own to overcome. Implementing this transition into adulthood on top of recovery can seem overwhelming.

Each individual will be at a different starting place when beginning this transition into adulthood. Due to the way some were nurtured and their experiences, the maturity level may drastically differ. When stepping into adulthood, it is important to focus on your current state. Avoid comparing your situation to others around you because everyone has a different starting point when reaching adulthood and will have different end goals.

Set Expectations

In order to transition into adulthood and develop a life that you enjoy, it is essential to set expectations for yourself moving forward. Think about where you would like to be in five or ten years from now. Do you picture yourself with a degree, working, a stay-at-home parent, an athlete, or anything else that comes to mind? For whatever lifestyle seems enjoyable to you, think about the steps you need to take to get there. As many of these take time to develop, setting these expectations early in adulthood can help you to prepare for the future ahead of you.

Thinking so far into the future can be challenging for many individuals in recovery. If you are struggling with signs of depression alongside addiction, it can be extremely difficult to look that far into the future and picture your success. Think about your ideal situation, even if it seems impossible. You may be surprised by how drastically your life can change in five years. Setting up a tentative plan outlining your goals can help you prepare for the future.

Financial Preparation

As you begin adulthood, you likely will experience high levels of financial stress. Adjusting to a work routine and paying your bills can be overwhelming when you first begin. As kids and teenagers, we often don’t understand the impacts of financial stress and the importance of budgeting.

There are many ways to prepare for adulthood financially. First, acknowledge if you have any previous debt. If you owe any debt, consider working to pay off your debt in recovery. Then, track how much money you are making. Observe your income levels and current spending habits for a typical month. Looking at how much you spend compared to how much you are making can give you a clear picture of potential adjustments. If you find that you are commonly spending more than you are making, you know that adjustments need to be made in your spending habits to ensure you are setting yourself up for success.

Importance of Balance

Balancing your emotions and activities throughout life is incredibly important, especially during this age. As you work to transition into adulthood, you may notice that you lack physical activity, self-care, or another major responsibility. Ensuring you are engaging in activities to help maintain a level of balance in all areas can help set you up for a successful transition into independence.

An important reminder when creating a sense of balance within your life is to ensure you are taking care of your needs. When given the freedom of adulthood, it can be tempting to give in to your wants to satisfy yourself temporarily. While rewarding yourself with something you want every once in a while is okay, focusing on your needs will set you up for a better transition.

Ask For Help

A societal stigma causes people to feel that they should know the answers to everything as soon as they reach adulthood. Many people fear asking other adults for help with things because they are now considered an adult. Feeling lost and asking for help, even with a simple task, is okay. Asking for help allows you to learn and grow. While in recovery, your treatment team and support groups are amazing resources to use when looking for assistance on simple adult things. Don’t be afraid to ask, as questions help us learn.

Transitioning from a state of adolescence to adulthood comes with many unknown factors. You can never fully prepare for this transition; however, there are things you can do to help make this change easier. Understanding where you are at now and where you want to be in the future can be a good starting point. Ensure you are maintaining balance in all areas of your life to give yourself a strong basepoint during this transition to independence. Mentally preparing for the financial stressors that may arise can help you prepare and ensure you are properly managing your finances when starting. If you ever feel that you need support in this transition, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Many obstacles may arise when entering adulthood that need to be addressed. To learn more about this transition, reach out to Dream Recovery at (949) 732-1960.

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