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How Does Sound Bath Therapy Help Recovery?

How Does Sound Bath Therapy Help Recovery?

Free standing bell image, public domain sound CC0 photo.

Sound bath therapy focuses on the body as a whole to incorporate the use of vibrational frequencies surrounding us to find a sense of equilibrium. Through the change of frequencies you perceive, you naturally feel different emotions. Sound creates vibrational energy that surrounds us all, so why not use that to our advantage? The goal of sound bath therapy is to develop a level of awareness in regards to the sounds around you and use them as a grounding strategy.

This form of therapy works best when you go into it without anticipation of results. It is recommended to go into this treatment process with a clear mind. Shifting your thoughts to focus on the sounds surrounding you and creating a deep level of awareness implements a meditative state to the body and mind. It is common to feel a wide range of emotions during this process. From peaceful tranquility to utter discomfort, focusing on the aspect of sound can help ground you through various challenging emotions. 

Finding Relaxation

Sound bath therapy is meant to be extremely relaxing. Allowing your mind to relax and relieve stress can help to diminish the symptoms of substance use disorder. Stress is a leading cause of individuals developing an addiction. However, maintaining your stress levels can have a drastic positive influence on your recovery process. The process of sound bath therapy helps relieve tension through the process of listening, which leads to an overall soothing sensation of relaxation.

The vibrational frequencies surrounding you can help you feel harmonized and find a sense of inner peace. Channeling your thoughts to this positivity can be used as a solid coping mechanism when experiencing anxiety or stress in your everyday life. Taking a moment to relax and focus on the sounds surrounding you realigns your focus on your purpose and away from the stressors surrounding you.

Cultivating a Sense of Mindfulness

Sound bath therapy pushes you to reach a meditative state of mindfulness. The ultimate goal is to reach a state of mindfulness where you are only aware of the vibrational frequencies of the sounds surrounding you. This can help you achieve a deep state of relaxation during your recovery process. Reaching a true state of relaxation during recovery can be challenging due to the numerous emotions and conflicts your mind is working through. Allowing your mind to take a break can help create a safe space for you to process some of these conflicts later on.

You may have found that listening to different forms of music channels different emotions. We often play acoustic music when sad, classical music to regain focus, or upbeat music to lift our energy levels. The frequencies incorporated into different music varieties affect our emotional state while the sound runs through our minds. Listening to a variety of high and low-frequency channels different emotions and responses from the body. These sounds are introduced in sound bath therapy while encouraging the individual to visualize their feelings and develop a steady deep breathing pattern when prompted. 

Common Misconceptions

When hearing the term sound bath therapy, most people picture laying in a bathtub surrounded by a variety of sounds to channel a sense of tranquility. Sound bath therapy does not include any form of water. The concept of a “bath” represents the time taken into the therapy allowing yourself to relax fully. You are enclosing yourself in a space to only focus on the sounds surrounding you with no other distractions. It is supposed to channel relaxation as taking a warm bath would. 

A common fear is that this form of therapy will trigger a negative emotional response, sending the client into a state of panic. While you may experience some discomfort during this process, the ultimate goal is for you to consciously process the discomfort and bring your mind back to a state of deep relaxation. During the first sessions, you will not be pushed to remember traumatic experiences. The goal is to develop comfort from your level of awareness and use that to help you in future states of panic and stress. 

Many clients anticipate sound bath therapy to have an immediate effect on their anxiety levels. It can be relaxing during the session itself, but it takes some practice to incorporate those effects into your daily life. You also may find that you have a hard time reaching this state of relaxation within the first few sessions. Just as meditative practices are, you need to adapt your mind to take advantage of them. Give this form of therapy the time it needs to positively influence your thought processes.

Sound bath therapy is a practice focused on reaching a state of mindfulness through the act of listening. Allowing your mind to free itself from outside factors and emotions and focusing directly on the sounds in your present surrounding can bring a sense of calmness into your recovery. Observing the way your body and mind react to different frequencies and interpreting what sounds help ground you can be a valuable coping skill through your treatment process. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction and looking to incorporate sound bath therapy into your treatment process, Dream Recovery is here to help. At Dream Recovery, we pride ourselves on meeting you where you are at and helping develop a recovery plan to fit your needs. Located in Costa Mesa, California, we are here to help you through every step of the recovery process. To learn more about our program and sound bath therapy, call us at (949) 732-1960

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