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How Can I Break Down My Goals in Treatment?

How Can I Break Down My Goals in Treatment?

Setting goals in treatment is essential for a successful recovery. Just as essential is breaking these long-term objectives into smaller and more manageable steps. This can help you avoid becoming overwhelmed. When you know what your next small steps are, you can focus on implementing them today.

However, breaking your goals in treatment down into smaller steps can still be confusing. You may not know where to start. The following techniques can help. They can help you put yourself on track to accomplishing your goals in treatment at Dream Recovery.

Consider Your Recovery Reason and Your Ultimate Goal

The initial step to setting achievable goals is prioritization. Consider the reasons you want to recover and which is most important to you. Is your recovery reason to be there for your kids? To mend broken relationships? Maybe to pursue a career you care about?

Whatever it may be, this is your recovery reason. Having a clear idea of your recovery reason can be a source of motivation. When you’re tempted to relapse, you can remind yourself of this reason. The more you flesh out your picture of how you want your sober life to look, the more motivating it can be.

While your recovery reason may go beyond sobriety, Dream Recovery highly recommends keeping sobriety as your ultimate goal. Often, maintaining a healthy and sober lifestyle will allow all other things to fall into place. If you neglect your sobriety, your other short-term goals may be unachievable due to the hardships of your addiction. Think about how keeping sobriety as your core focus can help you accomplish your other goals.

Create SMART Goals

Setting unachievable or vague goals is an avenue to disappointment. Fortunately, you can take almost any goal and break it down into smaller steps.

When these steps become small and manageable enough, the goal may be SMART. SMART goals are:

When your goal meets each of these criteria, it is set up to help you achieve success. You can use the SMART method to break your big goals in treatment down into manageable steps. When you can break a lifelong goal into yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily steps, you know what to do each day. You can also measure your progress.

Meeting the criteria for SMART goals may require you to reframe your goals. For example, setting “exercise more” as a goal is not specific. It can be easy to feel that you are exercising more and accomplishing this goal, but are you truly doing this to the extent that you want? Instead, set a goal to go for a 30-minute walk each morning for at least four weeks. This is a measurable goal that allows you to know what to do and how to measure if you’re on track.

Break Down Your Goals in Treatment

After a SMART goal, consider what steps you need to take before you can get started. This can help you avoid procrastinating or feeling overwhelmed.

Consider again the goal of walking for 30 minutes each day for four consecutive weeks. You may need to purchase comfortable walking shoes. Additionally, you may need to set an alarm and adjust to waking up earlier. You may need to plan a walking routine or stretch each morning to warm up your muscles. There are more steps involved in this goal than simply walking.

Focusing on the small steps that are required to accomplish your goals gives you the ability to get started. This alleviates frustration and keeps you motivated. You will have an easier time tracking your progress and staying inspired about your goals in treatment when you are actively working toward them.

Celebrate Your Achievements

One major benefit of the SMART benefit is that it shows how well you are progressing. This makes it easier to see your successes!

Ensure you take the time to celebrate your small achievements along the way. Give yourself credit for any victories you encounter along the way, no matter how big or small. Recognizing your success can give you a sense of fulfillment.

These celebrations do not need to be extravagant. However, they should remind you of your abilities to reach success. You may choose to celebrate with your favorite snack or meal, a soothing bubble bath, or a night of sober fun with supportive friends.

These moments of celebration can remind you that your hard work is paying off. Having these tangible benefits can be highly motivating to many. It can help people be less vulnerable to instant gratification.

Stay Positive

Through recovery, it can be easy to get down on yourself and focus on your failures rather than your successes. Giving yourself positive affirmations and utilizing visualization techniques can go a long way.

Positive affirmations are statements that you repeat out loud to reinforce positive thoughts and behaviors. Visualization techniques are mental pictures of yourself succeeding, reinforcing the idea that this success can become a reality. Utilizing these techniques can help you retain motivation and stay on track to accomplish your goals in treatment.

Working Toward Your Goals in Treatment

Break down your goals in treatment sets you up for success. The SMART method is a tool you can use to break your goal into manageable steps. This can help you make progress, notice your progress, and stay motivated toward your ultimate goal: sobriety.

Remember that achieving your big goals will take time. Remain patient, and your positive results will come.

If you are struggling with addiction and seeking help in your recovery journey, don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Use the tips in this article to break down your goals using the SMART method and achieve success in your recovery. When setting goals, it can be overwhelming to see yourself truly accomplishing them. These techniques can help reframe your viewpoints surrounding these goals and make them more simpler to accomplish. Remember that you are not alone in this journey, and there is help available. Take the first step toward a better life today. To learn more about breaking down your goals in treatment, reach out to Dream Recovery today at (657) 216-7218.

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