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Benefits of Outpatient Therapy

Benefits of Outpatient Therapy

While working through the process of addiction recovery, you have many varieties of treatment programs and forms of therapy to consider. You may be interested in outpatient therapy because it will allow you to have more of your regular lifestyle adapted into your treatment. There are many benefits of outpatient therapy to consider when deciding what form of therapy is right for you.

What Is Outpatient Therapy?

Outpatient therapy is a form of treatment in which you attend therapy and all recovery services at a specific program site while still living at home and engaging in your normal life. This form of treatment is different because it allows much more freedom outside of the treatment itself. With freedom comes responsibility, though. To succeed with this form of therapy, you will need a higher level of self-control to ensure you stay on track with your treatment on your own time.

Financial Stability

One significant benefit of outpatient therapy is the financial aspect. Since you are not always surrounded by your treatment team or sleeping at the treatment site, outpatient therapy programs are typically less expensive than inpatient programs. Looking into insurance coverage is important to ensure the form of treatment you are interested in is covered or affordable with your current plan.

While the cost of outpatient therapy as a whole may be cheaper, there is also a higher likelihood that you will be able to maintain employment during treatment. You can schedule your work around your therapy and treatment meetings and still have a stream of income while recovering. This can help set you up for success after completing recovery because you will have some savings to fall back on.

Adjustment Phase

Many individuals find it challenging to go through the adjustment period, which is the time after discharging from treatment when they need to get back into regular life while maintaining the treatment skills they have learned. A considerable benefit of outpatient therapy is that the adjustment phase is much less aggressive. Because you have already practiced incorporating your recovery skills into your life outside of treatment, adjusting after recovery can be less intimidating.

Outpatient therapy allows you the opportunity to practice the skills you have gained in treatment and implement them into your normal routine slowly. Trying to incorporate drastic changes into “normal life” after leaving an inpatient treatment center can be overwhelming for many people. Working through this process slowly can help to ease stress during the adjustment period.

Often, outpatient therapy is used as a transitional method where some individuals begin this treatment after being discharged from a residential treatment facility. Outpatient therapy provides a healthy mix of real-life and recovery, allowing you to transition in a healthy way. There are varying levels of intensity in outpatient therapy programs. Observing your available options and determining the level of support you need can help you determine if and when this form of therapy is best for you.


Outpatient therapy allows a great deal of flexibility compared to most other forms of treatment. You can align your schedule of therapeutic commitments to suit your needs, giving you the option to manage it alongside a job, school, social life, or other important aspects of your lifestyle. Incorporating recovery into your everyday routine allows you to enjoy other facets of your life as you focus on working toward sobriety. This can help you avoid reaching a point of burnout and feeling overwhelmed with the process of recovery.

Having the freedom to spend time outdoors when you please, attend a social event, visit family and friends, or take a day off is an extremely beneficial aspect of outpatient treatment. In most residential treatment centers, your schedule is predetermined and relatively restricted. Having the freedom to set your schedule can be a very rewarding aspect during recovery, and it provides an opportunity to practice responsibility.

Potential Concerns

While outpatient therapy has a lot of benefits for many people in addiction recovery, there are some aspects to be mindful of before deciding to partake in this form of treatment. Outpatient therapy may not be the best solution if you have a hard time controlling your impulses and practicing self-regulation. With outpatient treatment, the potential for success is in your hands. If you are not able to hold yourself accountable with your treatment plan, then outpatient treatment may not be a beneficial option at the time.

Outpatient therapy is something that can always be implemented after an alternative form of treatment. If outpatient therapy does not seem to be the right choice when you are initially starting the recovery process, it can be a useful process to consider as a stepping stone as you progress closer to a sober lifestyle.

Outpatient therapy programs can vary in intensity and offer a variety of services. In general, outpatient therapy can have many benefits for addiction recovery. This treatment approach can help you maintain financial stability through the recovery process, adjust to life after treatment with less stress, and have the flexibility to balance other commitments in your life. Weighing the benefits of this form of treatment with the benefits of other treatments to help you decide which plan is right for you is essential. Outpatient therapy can also be a useful stepping stone after you have gone through another form of treatment, helping you transition back into your everyday life. Due to the variety of programs available and their differing levels of intensity, you have many options to find an outpatient program that is right for you. To learn more about the benefits of outpatient therapy, contact Dream Recovery at (949) 732-1960.

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