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10 Steps to Success

10 Steps to Success

A large aspect of success is allowing yourself to succeed. The following steps can help you regain focus on accomplishing your goals and setting yourself up for success throughout recovery.

1. Focus on Yourself

The main focal point of your recovery should be yourself. Working to recover for others can have benefits; however, working to recover for yourself provides a level of motivation that cannot be beaten. You know yourself better than anyone. Sticking to a recovery plan that is well-suited to you and is personally motivating will help retain your focus on treatment. Recovery and treatment are there to help you be the person you want to be. You and your goals should be the main focus of your recovery.

2. Set Goals and Review Them

Goal setting is a regular practice through addiction recovery. Typically, at the beginning of your recovery, you will create a list of goals. These goals usually are revisited often and altered as needed. Setting goals that are meaningful to you and full of rewards you desire will continue to feed into your drive to success. If you feel you are straying from recovery and losing motivation, review these goals and remind yourself why you want to accomplish them.

3. Know Your Purpose

This step ties into goal setting. Knowing your goals and deciding what you want for your future is a way to help you determine your purpose. Discovering what your purpose is in this world and what you want to gain out of life can help you overcome the obstacles of recovery. Knowing your purpose always gives you a reason to keep pushing forward and work toward success.

4. Create Healthy Habits

This step has many other contributing factors that can be added to your recovery plan.  Engaging in healthy habits covers a variety of practices that all will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. This may include the following habits:

Reviewing these habits and choosing a couple to implement into your routine every day helps turn these actions into habits. Having daily habits sets up a structured routine of engagement from the moment you wake up, which increases productivity and helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

5. Find Social Support

The peers you choose to surround yourself with have a large impact on the process of your recovery. Acquiring friends who support you and your sobriety and positively influence the recovery process can make success seem much more manageable. We often rely on our friend group and support system when we are struggling. Having a social structure that lifts you and encourages your continuation of recovery can help you stay engaged in the process.

6. Learn From Others

Through the process of addiction recovery, you may be paired with a sponsor or a mental health professional to help you work through your obstacles. You may get the opportunity to discuss your problems with another individual who is either currently in recovery or who is recovered from addiction. Taking information from these individuals and learning from what they have to say can add to your success. People who have recovered from addiction often desire to help others in this process and provide beneficial feedback to lead you to success as well.

7. Finding the Right Treatment

Ensuring your recovery treatment aligns with your goals is extremely important. There are a variety of options for addiction recovery. Doing your research on resources that are available and determining which one suits you best can help the overall recovery process run more smoothly.

8. Manage Your Emotions

During recovery, you will experience a variety of positive and negative emotions. Regulating your emotions and regaining focus after encountering negative thoughts helps you keep your mind in the game. If you allow your emotions to take control over you, reaching success will be much more challenging.

9. Follow Up on Your Progress

Being honest with yourself about your progress is important. Vulnerable honesty can be necessary for you to understand where you are in the recovery process. Having multiple checkpoints throughout recovery, both with yourself and your recovery team, ensures you are staying on track and working toward success. Discussing your current standpoint with your recovery team can give you time to change your plan if necessary and adapt it to best suit your success.

10. Don’t Give Up

The biggest choice to make throughout recovery is deciding to never give up on yourself. There will be many ups and downs that come your way during the recovery period. You may have amazing support from some individuals and feel torn down by others. The main way you can let yourself reach success is by refusing to allow yourself to give up. You may have failures or setbacks, but use those as learning points to push closer to your goals.

Reaching success in addiction recovery requires overcoming many obstacles and making many changes in your lifestyle. It may seem within reach at first, but you may lose sight of it as you work through the long recovery process. Following these 10 steps will help you engage yourself in your recovery plan and work your way up the ladder to success. Focusing on yourself, setting and reviewing goals, knowing your purpose, creating healthy habits, finding social support, learning from others, finding the right treatment, managing your emotions, following up on your progress with yourself and your recovery team, and refusing to give up are strategies to implement into your treatment plan. Doing so ensures you are staying on the track to success and enables you to overcome the obstacles along the way. To learn more about the 10 steps to success and how to implement them into your recovery plan, contact Dream Recovery at (949) 732-1960.

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